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Marco Venturello, Lawyer

Born in Turin on April 30th, 1968, he graduated from the University of Turin Law School in 1994. During his university studies, he spent different periods abroad where he improved his knowledge of international law and of foreign languages. In particular, he participated in the European program ERASMUS at the Universität des Saarlandes in Saarbrücken (Germany), where he studied in depth the law of the European Union at the Europa Institut. In the same period, he obtained the “Diplôme Supérieur de Droit Comparé” at the Faculté Internationale de Droit Comparé of the University of Strasbourg (France), aimed at improving his knowledge of comparative law and private international law. After graduating, he attended an internship at the English Courts of Justice and performed research and educational support activity in “Comparative Law” for the University of Turin Law School.

He worked as trainee solicitor in a law firm with offices in Turin, Milan and Treviso and specialized in international commercial law, with particular reference to commercial and distribution contracts. After being admitted to the Bar of Turin in 1997, he practiced as consultant for a firm of trademarks and patent agents and consultants, which had offices in Turin, Milan, Rome and Bologna. Finally, he practiced in the intellectual property department of one of the most important English law firms at international level, which had offices in Italy in Turin, Milan and Rome. In 2002, he was mentioned by the law journal “Chambers Global – The World’s Leading Lawyers” among the lawyers dealing with intellectual property in Italy. In 2003, his name was also included in the list of the arbitrators of the Chamber of Commerce of Turin. From 2005 he practices in the law firm VENTURELLO E BOTTARINI, AVVOCATI of which he was the founder. In 2009 he was admitted to the roll of the attorneys before the Italian Supreme Court. From 2010 he has been indicated, by “Best Lawyers” guide, among the lawyers who deal with intellectual property in Italy and, from 2013, he has always been listed among “Trademarks Lawyers” and “Patents Lawyers” Italian candidates for “The International Who’s Who of Business Lawyers”, “Who's Who legal: Italy” and “The Best Lawyers in Italy”. In 2018 he was also been appointed to the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) Center List of Arbitrators. From 2021 it is always he was listed as one of the Italian lawyers dealing with Intellectual Property in the WWL (Who's Who legal) magazine.

He has gained significant experience in the areas of intellectual property law (both contentious and non-contentious) and contracts, national and international, with particular reference to licensing and distribution contracts.

With respect to intellectual property, contracts and international private law, he has published articles in the major Italian law journals (Giurisprudenza italiana, Contratto e impresa/Europa and Il Diritto Industriale). He contributed to the book “La responsabilità contrattuale e precontrattuale” (Contractual and precontractual liability), author Professor Monateri and he drafted the topic “Brevetti per invenzioni industriali” (Patent for industrial inventions), published in Digesto. He wrote the article “Il requisito di liceità nei marchi” (The requirement of lawfulness for trademarks) for the review Giurisprudenza Italiana, and he is co-author of the article “Libertà d’espressione e funzioni del marchio” (Freedom of expression and trademark functions) for the review Il Diritto Industriale. He contributed to the drafting of the Italian part of the book “International Licensing and Technology Transfer: Practice and Law”, London. He also contributed with the chapter “Copyright/” to the guide “La Proprietà Intellettuale – uno strumento per la crescita economica nel terzo millennio” (Intellectual Property – a tool for economic growth in the third millennium) LES Italy, and to the book “Codice della proprietà industriale, la riforma 2010” (Code of industrial property, the Reformation of 2010), directed by Professor Galli; he also drafted some comments for the commentary “Codice commentato della Proprietà Industriale e Intellettuale” (Commentary of the Code of Industrial and Intellectual Property), directed by Professors Galli e Gambino. He contributed to the drafting of the Guide “Made in Italy”, realised by CCIAA of Turin, Unioncamere Piemonte and CEIP (Centro Estero per l’Internazionalizzazione del Piemonte). He finally wrote the comment to the article of the Italian Civil code on “Designs and Models” for the commentary “Codice civile commentato” (Commentary of the civil code), directed by Professors Alpa and Mariconda, as well as an article in German language titled “Der Gewerbliche Rechtschutz im Modenbereich” for “Branchenprofil Italien: Mode & Textilien”, of General Consulate of Austria in Milan. He has contributed to the publications “Reference scenario of the controversies in the field of trade secrets in the UE Sates Members” for EUIPO (European Union Intellectual Property Office) and "The new law of know-how and trade secrets - Systematic first reading of the changes introduced by Legislative Decree no. 11 May 2018, n. 63” edited by Professor Galli.

He participated to the Task Force in the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) of Paris, directed by Professor Bortolotti, concerning the drafting of a model contract on technology transfer and of a model contract of trademark licensing.

He is a member of: LES – Licensing Executives Society, AIPPI – Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle, GRUR – Deutsche Vereinigung fűr Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht, IDI – International Distribution Institute, Design Club, DLN - Distribution Law Network. He is also a member of the Investors Club with which, in addition to investments in innovative start-ups, he is involved in scouting and mentoring. Also in the innovative start-up sector, he is a member of REP - Réseau Entreprendre Piemonte.

He speaks English, French and German fluently and practices law in these languages, advising foreign clients.

He also took part in the following initiatives:

  • 2024
    Speaker at the meeting “Drafting and managing international sale contracts within distribution networks”, organized by the IDI Association in Prague.
  • 2024
    Speaker at the meeting “The protection of the image of cultural goods”, organized by Praxi in Turin.
  • 2024
    Speaker at the meeting “Arbitration in Contracts”, organized by the Turin Bar Association.
  • 2024
    Speaker at the meeting “Judicial Protection of Standard Essential Patents SEP”, organized by LES Italy and the Turin Bar Association.
  • 2023
    Speaker at the meeting “The exploitation of IP rights in the food and wine sector”, organized by LES Italia and the University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo.
  • 2023
    Speaker at the meeting “The circulation of industrial and intellectual property rights”, organized by the Turin Bar Association.
  • 2023
    Speaker at the meeting “Internet sales and distribution: the protection of trademarks”, organized by the IDI Association in Bologna.
  • 2023
    Speaker at the master “Protection and exploitation of intellectual property” organized by Netval and University of Ferrara.
  • 2016
    Moderator at the meeting on “Recent jurisprudence in the field of intellectual property”, organized by LES Italy in Milan.
  • 2011
    Speaker at the master “Public Procurement Management for the Sustainable Development”, organized by International Training centre of the ILO-International Labour Organization (United Nations) in Turin.
  • 2022
    Lecturer at the master "Digital innovation and legal compliance" organized by Consortium for Research and Continuing Education in Turin (COREP)
  • 2022
    Speaker at “Meetings on Industrial Law - Content and Intellectual Property Protection Topics”, organized by the Turin Bar Association.
  • 2022
    Speaker at the master course "Intellectual Property Valorisation for knowledge Exchange & Impact" organized by Netval, University of Bologna and the Italian Patent and Trademark Office.
  • 2022
    Lecturer at the course "Tech Law Clinics Spring School Krakow," organized by Tech Law Clinics and the European Union - Erasmus Project, University of Turin.
  • 2014
    Lecturer of the course “Gouvernance et management des marchés publics en appui au développement durable”, organized by the International Training Centre of the ILO-International Labour Organization (United Nations) in Turin.
  • 2021
    Lecturer at the course "Enterprises and Intangibles. Assets to be valued and protected", organised by Skillab (Unione Industriali of Turin).
  • 2021
    Speacker at the meeting “Back to competition in the covid period. Intellectual property for an happy new growth”, organized by Parma University.
  • 2020
    Lecturer at the webinar "Law, Web and New Technologies" at the Department of Economics and Business Studies, University of Eastern Piedmont.
  • 2020
    Speaker at two webinars "Updates on IP Jurisprudence" organized by AIPPI.
  • 2020
    Lecturer at the webinar "Startup Legal Lab" in the field of intellectual property, organized by the Department of Law, University of Turin.
  • 2020
    Speaker at the webinar "The contracts that a start-up cannot ignore" organized by Réseau Entreprendre Piemonte.
  • 2020
    Moderator of the webinar "Use of third party distinctive signs in marketplaces" organized by LES Italy.
  • 2020
    Speaker at the webinar "Startups and commercial communication" organized by Réseau Entreprendre Piemonte.
  • 2020
    Speaker at the webinar "Brevetti & Business" organized by Réseau Entreprendre Piemonte.
  • 2019
    Lecturer on “The relationship between privacy and intellectual property: personal data, trade secrets and databases - Testimony, as part of the Advanced Training Course for Data Protection Officers”, organized by University of Novara.
  • 2019
    Lecturer on “Blockchain, Smart contracts, Internet of Things, Artificial Intellingence and 3D Printing” organized by University of Novara.
  • 2019
    Speaker at the meeting “Art Law”, held by PwC in Milan.
  • 2019
    Speaker at the meeting “Know-how and smart contracts. When law and technology meet” –“Trade Secrets Directive”, organized by Elsa Turin at the Rectorate palace.
  • 2019
    Speaker at the meeting: “Licensing: a business instrument for companies”, organized in Bologna by LES Italy.
  • 2019
    Speaker at the meeting “The transposal of the “Trade marks” EU directive n. 2015/2436: the novelties of substantive law, Part I”, organized in Turin by LES Italy and the Turin Chamber of Commerce.
  • 2018
    Speaker at the meeting “The intellectual works: cinematographic works”, organized by Turin Bar Association at the Court of Turin.
  • 2018
    Speaker at the meeting “The new rules on know-how and trade secrets protection (D.Lgs. N. 63/2018)” organized by Paradigma in Milan.
  • 2018
    Speaker at the meeting “Licensing: a business tool for companies” organized by LES Italy in collaboration with University of Naples Federico II in Naples.
  • 2018
    Speaker at the meeting “Managing and controlling distribution at the retail level” organized by IDI in Florence.
  • 2018
    Lecturer at the course “Chief Privacy Officer: an expert inside the company” organized by Skillab and by the Unione Industriali in Turin.
  • 2017
    Speaker at the conference "Standard Essential Patents (SEP): the protection before the Courts", organized by the High School of Judiciary and LES Italy at the Palace of Justice in Turin.
  • 2017
    Speaker at the meeting “The Licensing of the Trademark, Design and Copyright", organized by LES Italy in collaboration with Innovation and Entrepreneurship Management (MII) in Milan.
  • 2017
    Speaker at the meeting “Data protection within the company”, organized by ICC Italy in collaboration with Unindustria Lazio and LES Italy in Rome.
  • 2017
    Speaker at the meeting “Licensing of Trademark and Copyright" on “The Copyright License Agreement”, organized by LES Italy and Promex Special Company Chamber of Commerce (ICC) of Padova.
  • 2017
    Lecturer at the courses “Privacy. From the current Code concerning privacy to EU Regulation: what will change for businesses", organized by Skillab and by the Unione Industriali of Turin.
  • 2016
    Speaker at the seminar “IP Manager: the innovation professionals”, organized by LES Italy in collaboration with Turin Chamber of Commerce Turin.
  • 2016
    Speaker at the seminar “Reform of European Union Trademark”, organized by the Chamber of Commerce Turin.
  • 2016
    Speaker at the seminar “Internet sales and distribution: the protection of trademarks”, organized by IDI Association in Turin.
  • 2016
    Moderator at the seminar: “Valorization of Intellectual Property” organized by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC Italy) in Rome.
  • 2016
    Speaker at the seminar “IP Manager: fundamentals of Industrial Property” – “The copyright and the contract of copyright license: to protect your works”, organized by LES Italy in Florence and Vicenza.
  • 2016
    Speaker at the seminar “Towards the construction of the kit for legality: food counterfeiting”, organized by Association REP and by Chamber of Commerce of Turin.
  • 2015
    Speaker at the master “Licensing and cooperation agreements”, in the framework of Corso in IP Management & Valuation by the Business School of Bologna.
  • 2015
    Speaker at the seminar “The role of the Expert Witness in calculating damages for counterfeiting”, organized by the Association of Accountants in Turin.
  • 2015
    Speaker on “Copyright licensing” in the framework of the seminar “Licensing of trademark and copyright”, organized by Les Italy in Milan.
  • 2015
    Speaker on “Mobile Internet Surfing and the tension between Software Interoperability versus Software Copyright Rights” at the LESI (LES International) Annual Conference, in Brussels (Belgium).
  • 2014
    Speaker at the seminar “The trade between Italy and China and IP protection”, organized by Croce Foundation in Turin.
  • 2014
    Speaker at the seminar “New strategies on IP rights management in luxury, fashion and design sector”, organized by Optime in Milan.
  • 2014
    Moderator at the seminar “The tax system in the IP sector”, organized by LES Italy in Milan.
  • 2014
    Speaker at the seminar “The European patent with unitary effects”, organized by Optime in Milan.
  • 2013
    Lecturer at “Mock Licensing Negotiation”, organised by LES Italia and AICIPI in Milan.
  • 2013
    Speaker at the seminar “E-Commerce and on-line counterfeiting”, organised by Paradigma in Milan.
  • 2013
    Lecturer at the Scuola di Formazione Forense “G. Ambrosoli” on intellectual property in Alessandria (Piedmont).
  • 2013
    Speaker at the seminar “The protection of know-how sand trade secrets”, organised by the Association of Lawyers of Treviso.
  • 2012
    Lecturer on “Contract Application” at the “Master in Industrial Automation”, organised by Comau and Politecnico di Torino, in collaboration with Skillab and Unione Industriali in Turin.
  • 2012
    Speaker at the conference on “The exhaustion of trademark rights at Italian and community level”, organised by Paradigma in Milan.
  • 2012
    Chairman of the workshop on “Trademarks and geographical indications: the origin of products and service as a tool for marketing” at LES Pan-European Conference in Rome.
  • 2012
    Lecturer at the course “The strategic value of the brand”, organised by Skillab and Unione Industriali in Turin.
  • 2012
    Speaker at the conference on “Drafting license agreements for the use of the supplier’s trademark on a website where his products are proposed for sale”, organised by IDI in Venice.
  • 2011
    Lecturer at the conference “Unfair competition, look-alike, damages created by ex-employees: tools for the protection of the enterprises”, organised by Paradigma in Milan.
  • 2010
    Lecturer during the courses “Trademarks, patents and design” and “License agreements”, organised by Skillab and by Industrial Union in Turin.
  • 2010
    Speaker on “Made in: legal and customs aspects for a correct utilization”, organised by CEIP – Centro Estero per l’Internazionalizzazione del Piemonte together with Unioncamere Piemonte in Turin.
  • 2010
    Speaker on “The new regulation of co-ownership”, during the conference “The new code of industrial property”, organised by Paradigma in Milan.
  • 2010
    Lecturer in the courses “Patents and Know-How: how to protect innovations. Trademarks and Designs: how to protect distinctiveness”, organized by ICE – Istituto per il Commercio Estero in Pescara and Aosta.
  • 2010
    Speaker at the conference on “How to draft clauses which protect the supplier against parallel imports”, organized by IDI (International Distribution Institute) in Turin.
  • 2009
    Speaker on “CE marking: how to use it right/correctly: comparison with other trademarks”, organized by Chamber of Commerce of Turin.
  • 2009
    Lecturer during the “Executive Master in Export Management” post laurea graduate course, organized by Scuola Gestioni and Management (GEMA) of Rome.
  • 2008
    Lecturer during the course IDEA China “Course for experts in Intellectual Property protection on the Chinese Market”, organized by ICE – Istituto per il Commercio Estero in Milan.
  • 2008
    Speaker at the seminar “Contracts for licensing technology” organised by Sardegna Ricerche in the project Cluster P.I.I. in Cagliari.
  • 2007
    Lecturer during the “Master World Heritage”, organised by International Training Center of ILO-International Labour Organisation (United Nations) in Turin.
  • 2007
    Lecturer during the “Meeting on licensing”, organized by LES-Italia, Assotech and Chamber of Commerce of Milan.
  • 2007
    Lecturer during the “Master in food law”, organized by University of Turin in collaboration with the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Turin.
  • 2007
    Lecturer in the course “Law for Internet and E-Commerce”, during the Master in E-Business and ICT for Management organised by Politecnico of Turin.
  • 2007
    Speaker in seminars organised by ICE- Istituto del Commercio Estero and by Scuola superiore dell’economia e delle finanze with title “Value of the industrial property and protection from counterfeiting” in Palermo, Cagliari, Bari, Rome, Florence, Bologna, Milan, Padova and Turin.
  • 2006
    Lecturer at “Master in Intellectual Property and Protection against Counterfeiting”, organised by Convey in Milan.
  • 2006
    Lecturer at the seminar on “Licence agreements” organised by LES-Italia and Skillab (Unione Industriale di Torino), AIGI (Associazione Italiana Giuristi d'Impresa), AICIPI in Turin.
  • 2006
    Lecturer on “Vienna Convention on International Sale of Goods” at the International Trade Law, Course organised by the University of Turin, the University of Freiburg, UNIDROIT, UNCITRAL, International Training Centre of the ILO (United Nations) in Turin.
  • 2006
    Lecturer at the seminar on “Competition Law & Intellectual Property Rights”, organised by Soges for the Croatian Competition Agency in Zagreb (Croatia).
  • 2006
    Speaker at the conference on recent developments in the jurisprudence on industrial and intellectual property, organized by AICIPI (Associazione Italiana dei Consulenti ed Esperti in Proprietà Industriale) in Milan.
  • 2006
    Workshop chairman on “Trademarks Licencing” at LES Pan-European Conference of Glasgow (Scotland).
  • 2005
    Lecturer on “New Block Exemption Regulation for Categories of Technology Transfer Agreements” and on “The Relationship between Intellectual Property Rights and Competition Law: a Case Study” at the course “Law & Business in Europe: post graduate Course in Economic Law and Competition in the European Union”, organized by Istituto Universitario di Studi Europei and by Centro Studi sul Federalismo in Turin.
  • 2005
    Speaker on trademarks’ licences in the European Union during the LES International Conference in Munich (Germany).
  • 2005
    Lecture on “Industrial design” at the International Trade Law Course organised by University of Turin, University of Freiburg, UNIDROIT, UNCITRAL, The International Training Centre of the ILO (United Nations) in Turin.
  • 2004
    Lecture on contracts concerning technology transfer, organized by Consorzio MIP – Politecnico of Milan.
  • 2004
    Speaker on “Case Study on Technology Licence Agreements” for the International Trade Law Post-Graduate Course, organized by the International Training Centre of the ILO (United Nations) in Turin.
  • 2004
    Speaker at the Associazione Industriali di Monza e Brianza on the new EC Regulation 1383/2003 on the protection of intellectual property rights at the customs in Monza (Lombardia).
  • 2004
    Lecturer on “Technology Transfer Agreements” at the International Trade Law Course, organised by University of Turin, University of Freiburg, UNIDROIT, UNCITRAL, The International Training Centre of the ILO (United Nations) in Turin.
  • 2004
    Speaker on “Specialised sections of the Courts in intellectual property” , organized by AGAT (Association of Young Lawyers) in Turin.
  • 2003
    Lectures in the framework of the course on “Training in Latvia in the field of patents” at the University of Riga (Latvia).
  • 2003
    Speaker on contracts concerning patents and trademarks at the “Master in Industrial Property Management”, organised by Consorzio MIP – Politecnico of Milan.
  • 2002
    Lecturer at the seminar on “Internet and civil liability” organized by the University of Alessandria (Piedmont).
  • 2002
    Speaker on 3D trademarks in the EU jurisprudence during the Pan-European LES Conference in Prague (Czech Republic).
  • 2002
    Speaker during the conference “Trademarks and domain name”, organised by IIR (Istituto di Ricerca Internazionale) in Milan.
  • 2001
    Speaker during the conference “Law and Internet” on “Protection of Intellectual Property” organised by AGAN (Associazione Giovani Avvocati Novara) and University of Novara (Piedmont).
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