Alberto Bottarini, Lawyer
Born on January 11, 1972 in Novara, he holds a Master degree in Law from the University of Milan, with a final dissertation concerning intellectual property, entitled “The recent modification of industrial design law”. His supervisor was Professor Avvocato Giuseppe Sena and vice supervisor Avvocato Elisabetta Berti Arnoaldi Veli.
Once he got his degree in 2003, he worked in the field of intellectual property law, with specific focus on criminal and administrative aspects (as far as the latter aspect is concerned, he dealt with food law). Moreover, he broadened his experience in the field of customs and sport law as well.
In 2008, he was admitted to the bar by the Milan Court of Appeal.
As far as intellectual property is concerned, he published a book entitled “Made in Italy” on behalf of Turin Chamber of Commerce. He offers ongoing consultancy services to various Consortia for the protection of Protected Designations of Origin and Protected Geographical Indications.
He has contributed to the publication "The new law on know-how and trade secrets - Systematic first reading of the changes introduced by Legislative Decree no. 11 May 2018, n. 63” – edited by Professor Galli and the publication 'Annotations on Industrial Criminal Law: The Concept of Counterfeiting in Living Criminal Law' edited by A.I.P.P.I.
He is member of: A.I.P.P.I. – Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle; ECTA - European Communities Trade Mark Association; AIDA - Associazione Italiana Diritto Alimentare / IFLA – Italian Food Law Association.
During his career, he took part to the following events:
2024Speaker at the conference ‘Greenwashing: legislation and offences’, organized by the Bar Associations of Verbania and Vercelli.
2023Speaker at the conference “Unfair Competition and Related Institutions in the Courts of Verbania, Vercelli and Novara”, organized by the Bar Associations of Verbania, Vercelli and Novara.
2022Speaker at the conference 'The Protection of Cultural and Landscape Heritage', organized by the Bar Associations of Verbania, Vercelli and Novara.
2021Speaker at the meeting ‘Intellectual property at the time of covid-19: food safety and compulsory licensing of patents on medical devices and drugs’, organized by Verbania, Vercelli and Novara Bar Association.
2020Speaker at the webinar "Covid-19 - consumer protection in fair trade, health and agri-food sectors", organized by the Novara Bar Association.
2019Speaker at the meeting "Speaker at the webinar "Covid-19 - consumer protection in fair trade, health and agri-food sectors", organized by the Novara Bar Association.The brand and its functions the brands "Novaresi": Gorgonzola, Pavesi, De Agostini, Laika", organized by Novara and Verbania Bar Association.
2019Speaker at the meeting "Recent reforms related to trademark discipline. The case of the Carnaroli trademark", organized by Vercelli Bar Association.
2018Speaker at the meetings “Unfair competition and the recent reforms of the industrial property code and of the penal code”, organized by Verbania,Vercelli and Novara Bar Associations.
2017Speaker at the meetings “The new EU Regulation on the EU trademark. Made in Italy”, organized by Verbania and Novara Bar Association.
2016Speaker at the meeting “Food labeling, the state of the art”, organized by Turin Chamber of Commerce, Chemical laboratory of Turin Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise Europe Network, Alps North-West Italy, European Commission, Association of Food Technologists Regions of Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta, in Turin.
2016Speaker at the meeting “Latest reforms of intellectual property, customs law and food law”, organized by Verbania Bar Association.
2015Lecturer at the meetings “Intellectual property: unfair competition and Internet”, organized by Vercelli and Verbania Bar Associations.
2015Lecturer at the meeting “Collective trademarks and denominations of origin for a food of quality in a globalized world”, organized by A.I.P.P.I., Association of Consultants in Intellectual Property, Regione Lombardia in the framework of EXPO 2015 in Milan.
2014Lecturer at the meetings “Sections specialized in commercial law of the Courts: the law and the practical aspects” organized by Vercelli and Verbania Bar Associations.
2013Lecturer at the meetings “Italian, European and international designs and models: the protection of the shape of the products”, organized by Verbania and Vercelli Bar Associations.
2012Lecturer at the meeting “Distinctive signs: are they indicators of provenance, origin or quality?”, organized by Vercelli Bar Association.
2011Lecturer at the meeting “The social and economic value of intellectual property rights”, organized by Vercelli Chamber of Commerce.
2011Lecturer at the meeting “Patents: technological progress and increasing competitiveness in the market”, organized by Vercelli Bar Association.
2011Lecturer at the meeting “Patents: the protection for scientific research and technological innovation”, organized by Novara Bar Association.
2011Lecturer at the meetings “Distinctive signs: are they indicators of provenance, origin or quality ?”, organized by Verbania and Novara Bar Associations.
2010Lecturer at the meeting “Civil, criminal and administrative patent protection in Italian, European and international legislation”, organized by Verbania Bar Association.